
Episode 16 – Regenerative Cane Farming

Today’s episode is with Cane Farmer, Michael Waring from Ingham, QLD. This podcast was recorded at the 2019 Regenerative Cane Farming Forum in March this year which is being repeated this year in March 2020 in Cairns. David Hardwick and Michael Waring are the contact for this event and details to register are below.

In this episode Michael tells us about what things he is doing to increase his soil heath including implementing controlled traffic, multispecies crops, and biological stimulants.

Michael has also done a course with Kym Kruse at RegenAG who teaches farmers how to make their own biofertilizers and he talks about how him and some farming friends have put in together to purchase a relocatable biofertilizer production plant.

We also talk about a great initiative called Catalyst that supports farmers to trial new farming initiatives and the positive steps Cane Farmers are taking to minimize run off from their farms into waterways, and of great public interest our beloved Great Barrier Reef.
