
Episode 7 – Building a Holistic Regenerative Farming System with Nick and Lucy Kelly

Nick and Lucy Kelly farm a 2000Ha cereal and livestock farm in Newdegate, WA. Using plants and animals as the tools, Nick has transitioned the farm from conventional to a holistic regenerative system. Multispecies summer covers are sown, with French White Millet as the main species, and plant senescing is now the key trigger to sowing the following winter cash crop. A mix of perennial multispecies summer active plants are progressively being sown, synthetic fertilisers have been removed, and herbicides have been drastically reduced. Results are increased profit margins, plummeting frost damage, increased soil aggregation, and earthworms returning to the system. Listen to Nick and Lucy’s story as they travel the road together to a profitable, no chemical, regenerative pasture cropping system.