Secrets to Greener Pastures
Otways cattle farmers are unlocking the secrets to greener, more productive pastures and the key is right under their feet. Simon and Kassie Williamson run a 350 acre Angus cow and calf production system near Ferguson. They have embarked on an exciting learning journey over the last three years, which has led to management changes. […]
Pasture management key to success
Pasture management is key to producing quality pastures for Gippsland cattle trading operation, which turns over roughly 1000 head a year. David and Ruth Read, together with Jen and Pete Ribolli manage Woodcote Pty Ltd. Along with a finely-tuned grazing management program, the managers have unlocked several other tools to improve pasture quality and quantity […]
Williams to return to Tasmania
Independent soil health and plant educator Joel Williams is set to return to Tasmania in early March, to address plant nutrition and soil management. Soil First Tasmania has joined forces with NutriSoil, a family-owned business from northern Victoria, to bring the international presenter with extensive practical experience to Longford on March 7. Soil First Tasmania […]